
Teacher Workshops

Registration for workshops usually opens in March or April. Want to stay informed about teacher workshop and opportunities for your students? Click below. 

Desert Ecology: Playing in the Playa

Do you know what happens after a big rainstorm in the desert? Come learn about playas, or temporary lakes, and all the animals and plants that depend on them! 

Who: 3rd-5th grade teachers

When: October 2nd, 9:00-3:30

Where: Asombro Office, Las Cruces

Participants will explore playas, a unique desert ecosystem and practice lessons that they can take back to their classroom. Learn to hatch live shrimp from desert soil, take home local story books and accompanying NGSS- and CCSS-aligned activities. Teachers will have time to brainstorm their own lessons based on playas, and are invited to share it with the public at our Dive into the Playa public event on Saturday Oct 19th.

Teacher workshops are added to our schedule regularly. Please check back frequently for more information! Questions? Please contact us.