
About Asombro


“Asombro” is the Spanish word for “wonder,” which is exactly what the Asombro Institute brings to the thousands of children and adults who participate each year. The Asombro Institute for Science Education is a nonprofit dedicated to increasing natural science literacy through engaging, place-based education. To achieve this mission, we serve more than 22,000 K-12 students and 1,500 adults in New Mexico with hands-on, inquiry-based science education programs each year. Programs take place in classrooms, schoolyards, and at our outdoor classroom, the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park north of Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Staff Members

Stephanie Bestelmeyer

Executive Director

[email protected]

As the first paid employee of Asombro, Steph has been honored to help Asombro develop into a K-12 science education leader since she was hired in 2000. Steph has a Ph.D. in Biology from Colorado State University and a B.S. in Biology and minor in Teaching from the University of California, San Diego. Her favorite thing about working at Asombro is figuring out ways to translate local science discoveries into hands-on K-12 lessons that engage students. Outside of work, Steph loves hiking, reading, going to plays, baking, and traveling, most often with her husband, son, and dogs.

Kelly Sayanagi

Education Director

[email protected]

Kelly joined Asombro in 2019 and is excited everyday she gets to share her love of science with students. Kelly grew up playing in the mountains of Northern New Mexico before heading to the University of New Mexico to study biology. She spent many years as an educator on the banks of the Rio Grande. Kelly returned to UNM to further her understanding of our changing landscapes and earned her Master’s degree in biology researching the impacts of climate change on the Rio Grande cottonwood trees.  As an avid hiker and backpacker she loves the opportunity to explore new parts of the Land of Enchantment with her husband, but when she’s not teaching or hiking, Kelly is often found playing the cello or learning Japanese.

Gabriela Franco

Program Leader

[email protected]

Gabriela was delighted to join Asombro’s team in 2021. She grew up in El Paso, Texas and holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Master of Science in Ecology and Evolutionary Theory from UTEP. Her thesis focused on the population ecology of the Greater Earless Lizard in the Chihuahuan Desert. She also has a background in secondary education and has been bridging her two passions over the years through K-12 STEAM classroom programs, public outreach, and college-level coursework and laboratories. When not sampling the cuisine of NM, she and her husband like to hike at night looking for “herps”.

Natalie Wells

Program Leader

[email protected]

Natalie grew up in Las Cruces, and experienced Asombro field trips first-hand as a local middle school student. She went on to earn Bachelor’s degrees in Geography and Spanish from NMSU, and after volunteering for 2 years at the Las Cruces Museum of Nature & Science, returned to NMSU part-time to take courses in math, physics, biology, and astronomy. During this time, she also worked as a research assistant in the Astronomy Department, spending 5 years studying interacting binary stars and galaxy evolution. Natalie joined the Asombro team in 2022 and is excited to be able to continue to share her love of science with her community. When not in the classroom, Natalie enjoys filming and photographing the bugs in her backyard with her pet lizard on her shoulder.

William Lukefahr

Park Manager

[email protected]

William is a herpetologist by training, and has always been a naturalist at heart. His extensive knowledge of the Chihuahuan Desert stems from research experience in ecology, herpetology, and paleontology.  He has a Bachelor’s in Science, majoring in Biology with a minor in Chemistry at Texas A&M University-Kingsville and a Master’s in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology from the University of Texas at El Paso. William and is wife recently moved to Mesilla Valley from El Paso and Sunland Park, and already being in New Mexico feels like his long-lost home. Along with being our park manager, William is also currently a biology instructor at DACC, and an educator and tour guide for the El Paso Insights Science Center. He regularly give tours at Mt. Cristo Rey, highlighting the cretaceous dinosaur tracks and many other fossils that are preserved there. He also serves as a board member and tour guide with Celebration of Our Mountains, highlighting local geology and biology through guided hikes.  His main passion is conservation biology as a whole, especially teaching our students about the conservation of our threatened biodiversity.  No matter what he is teaching, William, always try to bring his expertise along with his love for nature and our unique Chihuahuan Desert.

LuAnn Kilday

Science Educator

[email protected]

LuAnn grew up in rural Nebraska on the family farm. After graduating from college with a major in biology, she began working for the National Park Service as a fire technician.  Falling in love with the desert, she was hired on as a park ranger for New Mexico State Parks.  Throughout her twenty-five-year career, LuAnn worked for NM State Parks, the NM Game and Fish Department, and the NM Department of Cultural Affairs where she shared her knowledge about the Rio Grande Bosque, New Mexico’s wildlife, and the history of agriculture with adults and children of all ages.  LuAnn joined the Asombro team a few months after retirement to continue her love of outreach education.  In her spare time, LuAnn is an avid fiber artist, enjoys nature, and loves spending time with her rescue dogs.

Bonnie Jean Knighton

Science Educator

[email protected]

Bonnie Jean was born and raised in a small mountain town in Utah. She received a degree from Utah State University where she focused on Anthropology while also working on a Museum Studies certificate. After college Bonnie Jean found work that she loved as an informal educator in various Museums. For over 15 years she has had the opportunity to share her love and wonder of the natural world with thousands of students and hundreds of teachers from multiple states. In her free time, Bonnie Jean likes to camp, hike, and explore with her spouse and three adorable dogs. She’s excited to join the Asombro team and share the wonders of the amazing desert around her!

Sage Baeza 

Undergraduate Intern


Sage is from Hobbs, NM and is studying Secondary Science Education and Secondary Special Education with a minor in Biology at NMSU. 

Board Members

Asombro Board Members Wanted

Are you passionate about the Asombro Institute for Science Education, the desert, and science education? If so, consider applying to become an Asombro Board member. We have a special opportunity to welcome new Board members to our team this quarter.

Asombro’s Board members develop and maintain a link to the community, promoting the organization’s work. At meetings approximately once a month, the Board establishes policies, monitors the organization’s performance, and helps raise funds to support the organization and its programs. Board service is a great way to give back to the community, work with fantastic Board members, and help share the wonder of science and the desert with children.

If you are interested in learning more about Board service and receiving a job description and application, please contact Board President Justin Van Zee ([email protected]) or call the Asombro office (575-524-3334).

Gene was primarily raised in a small town in Kansas. He graduated from Wichita State University in 1972 with a BBA in Economics. Gene retired as an US Army Air Defense Artillery Officer in 1990. Upon retirement from the Army Gene worked in the corporate world until turning sixty-six when he figured there were better things to do with his time and energy. Gene’s main interest has been doing what he can to help students with their education, especially in science and math. In addition to serving on Asombro’s Board of Directors, Gene is also served on the Las Cruces Public Schools Board of Education, NM Public Education Commission, NM Public School Capital Outlay Council, NM State Library Commission, Las Cruces Public Schools Foundation, Board of Directors for the Boys and Girls Club and Jardin de los Ninos and several committees for the Greater Las Cruces Chamber of Commerce.

Justin works at the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range as a Soils Biologist in the National Wind Erosion Research Network group, and has been developing rangeland vegetation and soil monitoring methodologies since the mid 1990s. Since 2008 he has collaborated with scientists in Mongolia to develop a national rangeland monitoring system. He deeply believes in service and giving back to the community, and in promoting development of critical thinking skills through exploration, activity, and experimentation in nature. Justin has been volunteering for the Asombro Institute since 1995, assisting staff with curriculum development, teaching at public events, and implementing site development projects at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park.

After teaching for more than 30 years, Donna takes pleasure in giving back to the community alongside people she thinks are terrific. She helps with field trips, classroom lessons, public events, and teacher workshops, as well as translating materials into Spanish and creating new materials.


Mark is an archaeologist who has worked in southern New Mexico, eastern Arizona, and western Texas since 1986. He joined the Asombro board in 2003 because he believes in and is inspired by the success of its mission to bring science education to students through hands-on field experiences.

Gil is a Master Electrician and Outside Sales Representative at Resource Group. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania but was raised in Las Cruces and the Mesilla Valley. Gil has served as Vice President of the National Electrical Contractors Association, as board member for the Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee for electricians, as well as a board member for the new Electrical Golf Association. Whether it is hunting, fishing, camping or motor sports, Gil loves the outdoors and has a strong belief that children who spend time outdoors are healthier in body and mind. Gil contributes his time and knowledge to further the mission of the Asombro Institute and its dedication to increasing scientific literacy.

Carrie is the Associate Director for the Las Cruces Public School’s Teaching, Learning, and Research Division. She leads the Career Readiness and Student Success Program. For nearly 30 years, Carrie has been an educator in diverse locations and situations, including the Las Cruces Public Schools, New Mexico State University, and the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum. She also served for three years in the College and Career Readiness Bureau at the New Mexico Public Education Department.


A Brief History of Asombro

Excerpts from an article by Beth Morgan

“We’re from the land of dusty roads, rattlesnakes, and horny toads,”

,”…or so the song goes. Upon looking a little closer, one sees that there are hawks, owls, rodents, deer, bobcats, foxes, coyotes, mountain lions, insects, and a plethora of plant life.

Las Cruces City Commissioner Ron Hudson knew this as early as 1978 and sought to capitalize on it with a regional attraction to be called the Las Cruces Nature Park, which he envisioned as being something like the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum near Tucson. Alamogordo had its zoo. Las Cruces, the second largest city in the state, Hudson thought, needed a place for families to go, too.

In 1999, Jornada Experimental Range scientist Jeff Herrick works with local school children, inspiring them to learn more about desert ecology.

Hudson was one of sixteen original board members working on the project. Supporters incorporated as a non-profit in 1990, with a botanical garden foremost in their plans. They considered several sites, two on the West Mesa, another in the bosque of the Rio Grande, and a 240-acre tract of land near the location where former Doña Ana County Sheriff Pat Garrett was murdered in 1908, south of U.S. Hwy. 70.

In early 1997, the project underwent a name change. Now the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park, the board named herpetologist Paul Hyder the park’s first director. Hyder had been conducting educational programs for the park with area schools for five years. Shortly after this announcement, the park’s location switched to a 1,000-acre tract of land on the southwest border of and in the possession of the USDA/ARS Jornada Experimental Range. The Jornada had been inviting school children out to learn about science for years. As the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park’s goals were along similar lines, it seemed like a win-win situation.

The park’s new director—and first paid staff person— Stephanie Bestelmeyer, was hired in 2000 and soon hosted the Insect Expo 2000. One thousand grade-school students from a dozen area schools registered to learn about insects and arthropods.

With the aid of its volunteers, the park then spent 90 percent of its donations, which came in part from the World Wildlife Fund, Chevron, Bridgebuilders Foundation, and the Native Plant Society of New Mexico, on educational programs. Later in 2000, Bestelmeyer had the opportunity to use a 1,200-sq.-m. parking site for vehicles coming onto the range to repair an oil spill as an experiment site, dividing it into plots for test-plantings of native grass seed. The park had the help of dozens of volunteers to develop the plots. This represented the first attempt at site development for the park and provided a location they planned to use as the first stop for field trips for some 2,000 students each year.

An Asombro educator teaches about tarantulas during a classroom program in the November 2000.
A view from the winding trails of the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park

The park continued its buggy business, introducing the Butterfly Flutterby in 2002. That year, the Board of Directors noted that Bestelmeyer had expanded the number of students it was serving tenfold: from 1,200 to 12,000. The educational programs had continued to expand and improve, for school children and the public, covering such diverse topics as wildflowers, desert nightlife, bats, weather, and desert ecology.

They built picnic tables and shade structures in 2003. The trails have been developed, and an amphitheater was added in 2005. They had a second employee, Rink Somerday by 2004, and finally, in 2008, the 1,000-acre site was transferred to the park—the same year the organization changed its name to the Asombro Institute for Science Education, with the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park the main venue for its science-based, hands-on educational activities.

As Hudson originally hoped, the park has become a place where families can go. It’s certainly a draw for visitors to the area, a place where they can learn that the desert is not all brown, and it’s not devoid of life. Certainly, with the addition of Asombro’s educational programs for more than 17,000 students each year, the nonprofit has become a major asset to the community—and hopefully will remain so for years to come.

The amphitheater at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park was built in 2005.