
Field Trips

Field trip programs are open to all schools.

Field trips generally run from about 10:00-1:30 (elementary) or 2:30 (middle school)

We can accommodate groups of up to 100 students. 

Cost: $5.00 per student or minimum $200.00. No cost for adults. 


Please contact us to request a field trip!

Also see our elementary Schoolyard Field Trips, a 2-hour outdoor program investigating habitats in your schoolyard.



This year we are rearranging our field trip schedule. We plan to start all elementary field trips with a hike at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park, then continue on to the Jornada Experimental Range for a picnic lunch and activity stations. This will allow us to have a more relaxed hike at the park before it gets hot in the afternoon. 

As we test out new things and take in feedback, field trip plans may change from the descriptions below. We are striving to make all Asombro programs meaningful, memorable, and quality learning experiences for you and your students. 

K/1st Grade - At Home in the Desert

Theme: Habitat of desert plant and animals


Start with a hike at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park, then move to the Jornada Experimental Range for a picnic lunch and science activity stations.

$5 per student

All adults are free


Minimum group size 40

All day

2nd / 3rd Grade - The Land We Live On

Phenomenon: Scientists can measure and observe wind erosion in the desert.

Students will observe evidence of erosion on our hike and learn how scientists measure wind erosion. Then we will answer the questions, which season experiences the most wind erosion? And is there anything we can do to limit wind erosion?

Start with a hike at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park, then move to the Jornada Experimental Range for a picnic lunch and science activity stations.

$5 per student

All adults are free


Minimum group size 40

All day

4th / 5th Grade - Conservation Research

Phenomenon: How can we use science understanding to protect wildlife and the environment while allowing humans to use the land for our own needs?


Students will engage in field trip stations as wildlife-biologists-in-training to understand how people can collect data and use scientific information to protect wildlife and natural resources in the Chihuahuan Desert. They will use field methods to examine the suitability of desert habitat for black-tailed prairie dogs, a Species of Greatest Conservation Need. Students will  also will learn about current research happening at the Jornada Ranch about how technology can make ranchers jobs’ easier and help them protect plants and animals on range lands. 

Start with a hike at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park, then move to the Jornada Experimental Range for a picnic lunch and science activity stations.

$5 per student

All adults are free


Minimum group size 40

All day

6th / 7th Grade - Restoring Connections

Phenomenon: Shrub encroachment and restoration affect biodiversity and the abiotic components of the desert ecosystem.


Students will explore how the ecosystem in the Chihuahuan Desert has changed from grassland to shrubland over time. They will participate in activity stations located around the 1.2-mile Desert Discovery Trail, where they will collect and analyze data, create a field guide, and make detailed observations about the landscape around them. Students will discover how the BLM’s Restore New Mexico initiative is restoring native grasslands by removing shrubs. They will then take on the role of a scientist and collect measurements on demonstration plots modeled after the project.

Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park

$5 per student

All adults are free

All day