Open House and Awards Ceremony
April 24th, 2025 6:00-7:30
The Desert Data Jam challenges middle school students to find interesting ways to present scientific data to non-scientist audiences. Learn more here.
Families and the public are invited to view projects at 6:00, the award ceremony will begin at 6:30.
April 24, 2025
6:00 PM
Wooton Hall, NMSU Campus
Join Asombro at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park to learn about desert wildlife through guided hikes and activities. Fun for all ages!
In 2025, Wildlife Wonders is supported in part, by a grant to Asombro from the New Mexico Game and Fish Share with Wildlife Program and Carroll Petrie Foundation.
Wildlife Wonders are usually on Saturday mornings, 9:00-12:00
Buttterfly Fluttterby is back! This family-friendly event will take place at Asombro’s Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park on Saturday, May 17th, from 9 am until noon. The event will feature butterfly experts and displays, games, arts and crafts, results from the New Mexico Butterfly Monitoring Network surveys at the Nature Park, and much more. Participants will also have an opportunity to collect up to three trading cards highlighting butterfly species in need of conservation. Use your cards to learn the game Endless Forms, a card game all about the habitats and wildlife of the Chihuahuan Desert.The Butterfly Flutterby is supported, in part, by a grant to Asombro from the Carroll Petrie Foundation.
This event is free to the public but a suggested donation of $5 per person or $10 per family will be welcome.
Saturday May 17th, 2025 9:00-12:00 at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park
You’re invited to Wildlife Wonders Asombro’s Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park on Saturday, August 30th, from 9 am until noon. Hands-on booths and family friendly activities will be themed around New Mexican animals in need of conservation and awareness. Wildlife Wonders is supported, in part, by a grant to Asombro from the New Mexico Department of Game & Fish Share with Wildlife Program.
This event is free to the public but a suggested donation of $5 per person or $10 per family will be welcome.
Saturday August 30, 2025 9:00-12:00 at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park
Are you ready to Go Batty and explore desert night life? This family-friendly event will take place at Asombro’s Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park on the evening of Saturday, October 11th . Hands-on booths will be themed around New Mexican bats and other nocturnal animals that survive in the desert by taking advantage of cool night. Meet experts researching local species and ambassador animals. Make a bat mask or use a UV flashlight to search for scorpions! Participants will also have an opportunity to meet field experts, go on a night hike, and collect up to three trading cards highlighting nocturnal species in need of conservation. Use your cards to learn the game Endless Forms, a card game all about the habitats and wildlife of the Chihuahuan Desert.Guests should note that this event will take place during and shortly after dusk, so light will be limited. Wildlife Wonders is supported, in part, by grants to Asombro from the Carroll Petrie Foundation and the New Mexico Department of Game & Fish Share with Wildlife Program.
This event is free to the public but a suggested donation of $5 per person or $10 per family will be welcome.
Saturday October 11th, 2025, 5:30-7:30 PM at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park
Light up the Desert
Second Friday in December, 5:00-7:30
Luminarias are always enchanting, even more so when they are arranged throughout the desert. During Holiday Luminarias, our Desert Discovery Trail will shine bright as we ring in the holiday season with hundreds of luminarias. This holiday event, hosted by Asombro at the Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park, is free to the public. Come out and join us for hot chocolate, sweet treats, holiday carols, and luminarias to light up the night. Asombro Staff would like attendees to note that parking is limited. Please bring your patience and willingness to walk!
December 12, 2025
5:00PM – 7:30PM
This is a free event. Donations to support Asombro’s work and future events welcome. Suggested donation $5/$10 per family.
January 20th 2:00- 4:00
Asombro members are regular donors who are invested in seeing Asombro thrive, the meeting is open to community members, not just regular donors. The annual meeting gives us a chance to connect, highlight accomplishments from the past year, get excited about upcoming projects and take care of business like electing our Board of Directors.
Volunteers, donors and community members are invited to celebrate the successes of 2024 and look forward to upcoming projects in 2025.
January 20, 2025
Asombro Office 401 E College
Asombro holds two types of volunteer work days regularly:
Join us for monthly volunteer gatherings, held on the second Tuesday of most months from 9:30AM -10:30AM at the Asombro Institute for Science Education office at 401 E College Drive, Las Cruces. This is a great opportunity to meet other volunteers and learn more about Asombro. We work on a variety of tasks such as folding newsletters, prepping for education programs, stapling, sharpening, etc.
For anyone who loves the Park, join us in keeping out outdoor classroom a beautiful place. On Saturday work days, we need help with maintenance like raking, pruning, or painting. All skill levels and abilities welcome.
Join us at the CDNP on the 2nd Saturday of even numbered months, 8:00-11:00. Contact us for more information.
Asombro does not currently have the events below on the schedule. Stay tuned for information in the future.
Asombro held a BioBlitz at its Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park on September 19, 2015. During this 15-hour BioBlitz, teams of scientists, families, students, teachers, and other community members worked together to find and identify plants, animals, rocks, and soils.
A report was compiled from the species data recorded that day.
Desert Dash was a fundraiser for Asombro. Enjoying expansive views of the desert, including three rugged mountain ranges, participants ran or walked the beautiful 5K, 10K, or half marathon trail courses.